Og hvaš meš žaš ?

Fjįrmįlarįšherra Hollands ętti aš fara aš fatta žaš aš ķslenskur almenningur hefur ekkert meš skuldir einkabanka sem var stašsettur ķ Hollandi aš gera. Žaš sem Fjįrmįlarįšherra Hollands į aš gera er aš hringja ķ Björgólfana og spyrja žį hvernig og hvenęr žeir ętla aš borga.
mbl.is Hollendingar óįnęgšir
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt

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1 identicon

"Žaš sem Fjįrmįlarįšherra Hollands į aš gera er aš hringja ķ Björgólfana og spyrja žį hvernig og hvenęr žeir ętla aš borga."

No.....Thatis what the Icelandic Government should have done over a year ago !! They did nothing, so now they are looking to you to pay.

Bless  bless Iceland....

Fair Play (IP-tala skrįš) 5.1.2010 kl. 12:18

2 Smįmynd: Pįll Höskuldsson

Jį vertu blessašur Fair Play.

Pįll Höskuldsson, 5.1.2010 kl. 12:38

3 identicon

Fair Play, why should the icelandic government call over a year ago they at least knew we where not getting anything out of them so they just payed what they where supposed to but no the dutch and the british they want more they want the whole country well face the facts you cant both have the cake and eat it as well. They should stop trying to bully the small boys because we all know how it is going to end the small boy gets big and guess what he will want revenge, it was greed from people to put their money with that high interest and first and foremost it was police and towns that put money into it because they didnt get enough money from the broke governments of these countries.  We do want everyone to get their money but everyone has to be fair and that is not the case in this situation. 

Bjarni (IP-tala skrįš) 6.1.2010 kl. 00:56

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Páll Höskuldsson


Páll Höskuldsson
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